Quantum computing is a fascinating field that uses the principles of quantum theory to improve the way computers work. Since computers are limited in their ability to encode information, quantum computing looks for new ways to do this. Regular computers are only able to encode information in bits that take the value of 1 or 0. Quantum computing uses either quantum bits or qubits. A qubit can be either 1 or 0, or a superposition of both 0 and 1, which opens endless capabilities for improved computer performance and capabilities.

Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum computers are based on two quantum physics theories – superposition and entanglement.

These theories allow quantum computers to operate faster than regular computers. It also means that they run more quickly with less energy consumption.

Quantum computing has become a popular concept in recent times, but it isn’t necessarily a new concept.  In fact, it began to catch on in the 1980s – inspired by the limitations of classical computing to handle some complex issues. The solution was to use quantum algorithms instead of traditional commuting algorithms. As technology has facilitated more progress, quantum computing has evolved by leaps and bounds and has infinite potential to be a game-changer in many industries, including:

  • Finance
  • Military intelligence
  • Drugs and medicine
  • Aerospace design
  • Nuclear fusion
  • Polymer design
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Digital manufacturing

The vast potential in efficiency and capability means that many top-tier companies are incorporating quantum computing into their operations, processes, and services.

What’s The Difference Between Quantum Computers & Classical Computers?

The primary difference between the two is the way information is processed.  Classical computers use transistors (with a value of either 1 or 0), whereas quantum computers use qubits. As mentioned earlier, qubits can be 1 or 0 or both simultaneously. As a result, quantum computing power is increased exponentially when multiple qubits are linked together. This is in stark contrast to classical computers, which only linearly increase capacity when more transistors are connected.

However, it’s not to say that quantum computers are always better than classical computers. Classical computers are, in fact, still better than quantum computers when it comes to everyday tasks. There isn’t much difference between the two when running programs like windows. It’s also true that classical computers make fewer errors than quantum computers.

Quantum computers can run advanced and complex simulations and data analyses. The more complex the problem, the more valuable the quantum computer becomes. Whereas classical computers need extra memory to solve these problems, quantum computers can do so without any additions or modifications.

Quick Facts About Quantum Computers

Let’s take a look at some quick facts about what quantum computers are and what they are not:

  • Simple tasks are beneath them – Quantum computers can solve the most complex problems globally but could have issues with simple tasks – like sending an email!
  • The coolest thing ever – Quantum computers get so hot during processing that they require ridiculously low temperatures to keep them stable enough to operate. 0.0015 Kelvin, to be exact – Which is around 150 times colder than space and as low on the Kelvin scale as it just about gets.
  • The robot teacher – One of the fascinating applications for quantum computing is that AI and robot learning can dramatically increase speed and effectiveness.
  • The secret to life as we know it – It is predicted that quantum computers might come as close as possible to recreating the natural world. Furthermore, the principles of quantum physics used to create these supercomputers mean that real-world simulation might be a possibility in the future, which is truly mind-blowing!
  • The first proper quantum computer is called 1Qbit, which also happens to be the power it operates on.
  • It is estimated that the global quantum computing market might be worth around $900 million by 2025.


While technology and advances are moving at lightspeed, what we know today about the power and potential of quantum computing is probably just the tip of the iceberg.  The potential applications for our society, future technology, and business as we know it are awe-inspiring.

Speaking of working smarter and faster, you might not need a Quantum computer today, but we highly recommend a quantum technology partner.  Conscious Networks provides a “conscious approach to technology for all of your IT needs.”   Are you ready to work with a technology partner that provides a quantum approach to your technology needs?   Contact Conscious Networks  today to get started!